Fort Worth, Texas April 15, 1907

E. J. Taylor, Commander R. E. Lee Camp 158, U.C.V.
Fort Worth, Texas 


     We, your Committee sppointed to prepare resolutions on the death 
of our late and much lamented Comrade George W. Barnett, most respectfully
submit the following:

     Comrade Barnett departed this life near this city April 15, 1907
after suffering several months from a severe stroke of paralysis; the first
attack occuring the this camp while attending it's regular meeting.

     Comrade Barnett was born in Montgomery County, Ala. June 10, 1841,
being at the time of his death nearly 66 years of age.  He enlisted in the Army
in the fall of 1861 at Montgomery, Ala. Company E. First Alabama Cavalry - 
Chambers Brigade - Martin's Division - Joe Wheelers Corps.

     He was engaged in the battles of Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Tenn. -
Chicamauga and Kennesaw Mountain Ga. receiving a severe wound at that
place in the right arm which unfitted him for further service.

Comrade Barnett was truthful = honest and patriotic - never
shunning his duty as a soldier and friend.

     Therefore, be it resolved, by this Camp that we deeply deplore 
the death of our noble Comrade and tender our deepest feelings of sympathy
to those of his family who survive him.

     Be it further Resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon
the minutes of this Camp and a copy thereof be furnished the family of 
the deceased.

          (Signed) B. C. Kirtley, Chrmn.
		   Atweel & R. Matkin, Committee

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