In the name of God Amen - I, Michael Barnett, of the district of Kershaw, the State of South Carolina, being very weak and in a low condition but of sound mind and memory, calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, I do make, consititue and ordain this my last Will and Testament in the manner and form as followeth: Imprimis, - I leave and bequeath to my eldest son John Barnett the upper part of my tract of land next to Micles Ferry, containing five hundred and fifty acres more or less, it being half of my whole tract of Eleven hundred acres to be equally divided to him from the River to the back line, to him and to his heirs and assigns forever. Secondly - I leave and bequeath to my loving wife Catherine Barnett, the lower part of my land of five hundred and fifty acres more or less - to her during her natural life or widowhood - then and after that term to my youngest son, Michael Barnett, to him and to his heirs and assigns forever. Thirdly - My will and desire is that my negroes and stock of every kind should be left together on my plantation until my youngest child becomes of age, - Except any one of my heirs should marry, then and in that case, either of them shall have a horse and saddle, feather bed and furniture chest with drawers and whatsoever can be necessarily spared, at the discretion of my executors hereon and to be deducted from their parts at final settlement of my personal Estate. Fourthly, - I leave and bequeath to my three dghtrs. Catherine Barnett, Elizabeth Barnett, and Eliza Barnett my whole stock of negroes, except one child, to be equally divided between the three at my wife's decease or when the youngest daughter comes to the age of 18 years. Fifthly, - I give and bequeath to my youngest son, Michael Barnett, one negro child to be pointed out for him at the division of my property by my Executors hereafter. Sixthly, - I leave and bequeath the remains of my stock and household furniture at my wife's decease, to be equally divided between my two sons and three daughters whose names is above mentioned. Seventhly, - I leave my stud horse to be sold to the best advantage and two horses to be purchased for my youngest son, Michael Barnett, out of the money fot for him when the said Michael Barnett should stand in need of such horses. Eighthly, - and lastly, I constitute and appoint Thos. Gardner, Esq. and my eldest son, John Barnett, Executors to this last Will and Testament, disannulling and revoking all other testaments, Wills, Codicils of Wills by me made, ratifying this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness Whereof, I have herunto set my hand and seal this 8th day of November 1807 and in the 32nd. year of the Independence of the United States of America. (Signed) Michael Barnett (Seal)
WITNESSES: (Recorded at Camden, S.C. April 3, 1818) |