Citation to kindred and creditors,
on Estate of JOHN BARNETT, (dcsd.)
as recorded at Court House, Camden, S.C.

South Carolina, Camden District
By: Heny Hampton, Esq.


WHEREAS: Margaret Barnett, applied to me to me for Letters of Administration of all and hath singular the Goods and Credits of John Barnett late of the District, aforesaid, deceased.

These are therefore, to Cite and Admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me in the Court of Ordinary for the said District, to be held at my house, near Winnsboro, the first Monday in September next to show cause (if any they have) why the said -Administration should not be granted.

Given under my hand and Seal,
this twenty-eighth day of August,
Anno Domini, One thousand seven
hundred and eight-four, and in
the Ninth year of American Independence.

To any protestant minister of the Gospel of said District:

Read this Citation in your congregation, and certify on the back hereof when you did so.

October 24, 1784 read as ordered at the Waxhaw Church.
(Signed) James Edmonds, V.D.M.

August 28, 1786. John Barnett's Estate,
Margaret Barnett,
Administratrix, read from Waxhaw Church.

The Family of John Barnett

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